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February 2012 Blog Posts (4)


Got two pretty good shots, mount is definitely tracking, REALLY tracking. Shooting at F10 on an 11 inch Edge HD SCT. Forecast to have clearest skies ever for a few days. So last night I didn't go out with the boys in liue of telescope time, and what happens? Fog. Thick gnarly fog that kept me out for six months last year. Unreal if I finally, after a year of tribulation with the CGE pro, finally come out of the woods and am in fact tracking like a stud, and all of a sudden boom, shut down…


Added by Charles Dunlop on February 24, 2012 at 8:55am — 1 Comment

AT 12" RC

Anyone think this is a decent optical tube? Compared to planewave DCKs or AG optical, or deep sky instruments that all go for much more money, just over double at the same size, i'm interestd to know why and if this scope doesn't have the manufacturing quality. It's made by Guan Sheng Optical Co., Ltd in Taiwan. Thoughts anyone?

Added by Charles Dunlop on February 19, 2012 at 3:04pm — 8 Comments

stable setups

Dave made a comment about how when you change out toys, the scope always seems to have an issue. Boy we all know this is true. It always seems like your best shot is when you're stable with a particular configuration for a few sessions to where it's becoming routine. I've gotten so many toys and changed up so much in the last period here, that now I'm really sort of focused on stablizing the setup. I do not want to move or change anything for a bit, and actually get some nice…


Added by Charles Dunlop on February 13, 2012 at 2:12pm — 9 Comments

selenology today 27

selenology today 27 and preceding issue on line with three articles,


Thanks for your attention
Raffaello Lena

Added by raf lena on February 12, 2012 at 11:28am — 1 Comment


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