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Dave made a comment about how when you change out toys, the scope always seems to have an issue. Boy we all know this is true. It always seems like your best shot is when you're stable with a particular configuration for a few sessions to where it's becoming routine. I've gotten so many toys and changed up so much in the last period here, that now I'm really sort of focused on stablizing the setup. I do not want to move or change anything for a bit, and actually get some nice shots.

My paramount ME is tracking perfectly, my guider issues have been resolved as least therietically via daniel bisque who is very cool to work with FYI if you ever buy a mount from bisque. Everything is stable and operting, and I don't want to change a thing for a bit. Really quite excited about the potential of not battling a machine and just focusing in on shots and my camera, and getting good subs.

There is an observatory showing up in late March, I'll put that up of course, but no changing guiders, camera's, scopes, etc.


Views: 152


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Comment by Charles Dunlop on February 19, 2012 at 2:35pm

How is the quality of that 12" refractor Emil? Compared to more expensive manufacturers what's the difference? BTW that is the same exact scope that AstroTech is selling, must be same manufacturer. I'm going to email like AG optical and see what they think the differences are.

Comment by Conor on February 18, 2012 at 4:18pm

And yeah, I meant the G-11 mount from Losmandy. I was just shooting the breeze about gear and stable setups. I'll stop hijacking your post now!

Comment by Conor on February 18, 2012 at 4:17pm

You could check out ASA, Takahashi or Officina Stellare. They all make astrographs. The latter have some really nice scopes. Expensive, though.

Comment by Charles Dunlop on February 18, 2012 at 7:47am

a G-11, what's that?

I'm eyeing a planewave, an AG optical, or a deep sky instruments OTA. RCOS is way too expensive, like a solid years salary in one OTA, ridiculous. Anyway, those are looking rad to me. Anyone else know of another high end RC or DCK maker?

Comment by Conor on February 17, 2012 at 1:12am

The "doughnut" shaped rings I thought were dust motes at first, but their uniformity would suggest they are an artifact of microlensing or some such. I really need to nail down my own setup. I'm so very tempted to pick up a G-11 right now...

Comment by Charles Dunlop on February 16, 2012 at 9:35am

there's a nebula filter and then the filter housing the camera. That's likely it. Not super concerned about it though either way, as this OTA and camera will likely be temporary anyway

Comment by Charles Dunlop on February 15, 2012 at 6:27am
Yes emil theres reflections not sure where they are from. And no i havent turned ccdap on yet. Want to get everything calibraed with skyX and ccdsoft first. Iterestingly ccdsoft internal guiding was a pain last night. Doing direct guide is complicated. Was hoping to get a shot last night but clouds came earlier than anticipated and had to shut it down without resolving my issue. But gding behind a filter is difficult business to be sure. Not sure what ill do yet. Likely rig up the second guidescope and battle flexure or else maybe get a moag and go off axis with the lodestar. Even was considering ao but that starts to get pricey. But internal guiding with only 8 inch aperture behind a filter wasnt very fun last night.
Comment by Charles Dunlop on February 14, 2012 at 9:01am

20 minute sub exposure through deepskyfilter. It was like popcorn clouds and I ran out to stop it when I realized it. But most of this 20 minutes was clear and solid. I'm stoked, first round stars in 20 minute sub I've gotten, even if it's not perfectly round via star fading on the guide chip.

Comment by Charles Dunlop on February 13, 2012 at 6:27pm

SkyX working with mount... check
CCDsoft working with CCD and internal guide chip... check
CCDsoft direct guide working with skyX and mount... check
Focusmax working with focuser... check..

Where are the clear skies!!!!


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