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Hey all, I was wondering how often you go out at night and take pics when the sky is clear but the "seeing" conditions are poor or the stars are twinkling. Do you still take pics? I have not been outside with my telescope since Jan. due to horrible conditions here cloudy and windy.But like tonight the sky is clear but the clear sky chart says poor seeing.What do you do?

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I go out every chance I get and I do pics in all conditions can't wait for everything to be perfect
Thanks Jerome. I will get out when i can
I was reading your post and had to comment on it, I agree to taking advantage of the moment no matter where you are as I also live on the west coast, just a few miles from the beach in Huntington, (coastal overcast, June gloom?) either way it is good practice in my backyard isolated from the house to test equipment before the venture to a remote site, I have been to many star parties a once per month event where several individuals have forgotten something after setting up once per month, I have even on rare occassion at home taken long exposure images on faint objects for practice with better results with contitions than remote dark sites,
Hi Bryan,
Just thought I'd throw in my two cents here as well :) I head out whenever it's clear as it's quite rare in Winnipeg to get perfect skies... if I waited I'd probably be out less then five times a year! Windy conditions are something altogether different, in cases like that I try to find a spot out of the wind and if that's not possible I may just end up doing some visual observing. It's been a rather cloudy year here so far and I try to get out every night that it's clear and just live with the few hours of sleep I catch before morning... I can always catch up on sleep on those cloudy days :)

Thanks Kevin!



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