with a reasonably strong signal like in M42 (all filters too!) and with a low noise camera like my Proline 3200, there is very little penalty in taking ots of short exposures.
I think the exposure time pushout is less than 15% in this case vs taking much longer ones.
for the KAF3200, one has to deal with blooming in exchange for the high QE so it is really a challenge to take long exposures unless you want to layer long ones with short ones to get the trapezium region.
I personally avoid all that processing hocus-pocus and try to stick with very straightforward processing like I used for this.
my flow is calibrate, register and stack each filter's data, then DDP (without sharpening: use the USER filter with all positions set to "0" except the middle one set to "1") and then I pull it into Photoshop to color combine and then adjust curves and levels and maybe a very light unsharp mask followed by color noise reduction using the photoshop filter but very light on it too. by light I mean less than 35%
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