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This image also taken the other night with CPC800, ALSO 3X10 exposures Orion StarShoot Pro...

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Comment by Kevin Galka on January 8, 2012 at 7:56pm

Thanks William, that's good to know... there's nothing worse than driving a 100km's out of the city only to discover you don't have enough battery power, I've done it before and it's not fun! :)

Comment by William Neff on January 8, 2012 at 7:03am

Thanks for the comment, the image was taken with the color version StarShoot Pro, for the money it is a good investment, one key note on this camera is when in the remote field it does not like to share power from battery, I learned the hard way from program lock-up until I run a single +- wire to operate camera, no further issues.

Comment by Philip A Cruden on January 6, 2012 at 10:45pm

Nice capture William, I have a modified SPC900 webcam and this is one of the targets I am going to try to get, it will be first light for the camera so we shall see.

Comment by Kevin Galka on January 6, 2012 at 8:12pm

Nice shot of M82. I notice that you shot it with the StarShoot Pro... how do you find the camera to be? Is it the one shot color or b&w version? I'm in the market, well soon, to get a new camera and my budget is around $1,000 and this happens to be one of the cameras I'm looking at.


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