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California Neb reprocessed - No DDP used in Neb 2 - only power stretch, levels and curves. Less 'glow in the dark' as well. Still going to fool around with the slight streaking in the nebulosity.

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Comment by David Klooz on July 31, 2011 at 1:20pm
Hi Marc, thanks for looking at all the tries on processing this one. First one looked like my Iron Butterfly of the Orion neb couple of years ago. Have had no rain in about a month, but with the heat and the humidity the skies never really clear in the evening - always getting a haze. Funny year for weather and trying to image. Hope your Sbig is going well. Liking the neb tries with the Canon, but still very little luck with galaxies. Really thinking I need at least a 9.25 (or 11 - ha ha) for them with the Sbig. Robbing a bank or a lottery win would do it. Tried M45 last night but clouded out after 78 images. Anyway, thanks again for looking and the comment. Dave
Comment by Marc Basti on July 30, 2011 at 8:22pm
David, like this one best- better detail. That ddp in neb2 is pretty good, but it does go over the top on occasion. I usually try and be as conservative as possible and then do some additional stretching after. You've been cranking out the pics up there-nice to see. Marc PS glow/dark lol -gadda da vida baby!


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