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It's been a really long time since I last posted. I was falling out of astronomy for a long time and recently got back into it. This reignition is especially thanks to getting a channel on NightSkiesNetwork.

The plastic observatory shed is gone, had to throw it out since the apartment complex started re-decorating the exterior. The new mantra is to not be lazy with the astronomy. I re-arranged the interior of my apartment, shifting computer and TV into the bedroom. The main area is now entirely dedicated to astronomy. The CGEM dx becomes the workhorse and I recently upgraded the focuser on the 8 inch newt for motorized focusing.

I'll also drag out the 11 inch SCT for the moon and some small DSO hunting. Here are images from recent times

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Comment by Michael Hester on November 4, 2015 at 11:49am

Setup for the images: Canon Digital Rebel T3i Unmodded, CGEM DX, 8"newtonian, AT66+starshoot pro guder

Comment by Michael Hester on November 4, 2015 at 11:48am

It ate the rest of the images...


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