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The original data came from an image I took with my U16M ccd camera & Takahashi FSQ106N, while in Chile in March 2010.

I had wanted to get more data, but a power outage prevented me from doing so.

Recently, I did some remote observing and gathered a bit more luminance data using an STL11000M and Tak FSQ106N. This also encouraged me to reprocess all the data from the ground up, using the better software I have plus my improved processing skills.

Folks, I'm interested in your assessment of this image, as compared to my previous version (also in my photo folder here). Are the colours too bold? Is it too contrasty? What was done better this time, or more poorly done this time? Let me know! :-)

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 58


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Comment by Derek Baker on July 6, 2011 at 10:23am
Hi Fred. Thanks for the great feedback!. I'm glad you like the colours....they turned out rather 'dramatic', but that's part of the lure of this spectacular field. Regarding M4....I agree. Thanks to some very steady seeing, it is much better resolved in the new Luminance data I got, however some detail got lost along the way. If you click on the full-size image, then use the zoom tool, it does look a bit less mottled. Nevertheless, I think that I will need to blend in a layer with just the globular in order to preserve what resolution there was. Thanks again for the input. It's important that I get extra pairs of eyes looking at my images and hear feedback from a fresh perspective! :-)
Comment by Derek Baker on July 6, 2011 at 7:53am
Excellent feedback James & Neil. Thank you! :-) Neil, I agree totally with what you had to say. When I woke up this morning and looked at the image in the honest light of a new day, my immediate impression was, "Oh my! Those stars are waaaay too sharp!". I wonder if this is because I created two layers and processed the stars separately.....or my fatigue last night after several hours of processing gave the stars a natural Gaussian Blur! lol! ;-) One way or another, I will heed your advice and tone things down In the future. In the future, I will need to avoid getting too excited about all the detail that can be dug up, and remember that the overall impression is the most important thing, right? :-) Thanks again gentlemen!
Comment by Neil Heacock on July 6, 2011 at 4:46am
In my opinion, the colors aren't too bold, but the midtones and sharpening are cranked a bit too high. The stars have dark halos around them because of the over sharpening and I think some of the mid-tone detail is lost because of over-stretching the lower/center of the curve.

The shot has amazing detail, there's no question, but you can probably get a nicer result. Perhaps something between the old one and the new one?

Comment by James Cormier on July 6, 2011 at 4:14am
Beautiful. Colors are not oversaturated, around rho at least. A bit course, but fine detail revealed. Very nice image.


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