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In a couple days I'll have one of these. It's on a UPS truck right now.

Really looking forward to using it. I'm sending it right away to Ron@MoonLite so he can fabricate a flange so I can put one of these on it:

...and have it fully motorized.

I'll post a review as soon as I test it. I want to be able to get the Pleiades with some good length subs before that object goes away.


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Ooooooooh, that is sweet Jeff. Can't wait to see what you can do with that. If I did not hate Orion as much as I do, I would consider picking this up. I've heard/read good things about it too. Congrats! Don't forget to post the results!
I'll put up my CCDInspector flat-field, etc results.

I'll be using the Parsec8300M and ATFF field-flattener with it. I don't know if the stock focuser is able to handle the 3lb imaging load, it certainly might, but I'm a major MoonLite fan, so I'm going in that direction regardless.

I've heard good things about the scope, and I'm wary of Orion sometimes myself (although I do own a fair amount of their stuff.

"Wary of Orion" You and me both my friend. I am slowly replacing my equip though :)
Jeff how does the motorized focuser work? If there a program which calibrates it to perfect focus or is it just motorized with a hand control?
FocusMax will calibrate your system, yes. It does a bunch of focus runs and averages them. Very cool program, and it's what everyone uses. I just posted a link to the Focus software discussion if you want to see some screenshots.

The Orion triplet showed up last night, and I opened it up. Cute little thing. Well-built and the optics look *real* nice. I'm packaging it up and sending it on to Ron@MoonLite tomorrow. If anyone's curious here's what he charges to put a top-end focuser on. The only reason I'm sending it is that he doesn't have a flange spec for this telescope yet, and has to measure it and design it, then machine it. He'll do this for any scope. Normally he'll just send you the focuser and you attach it, simple enough.

CF model focuser $375
Color = Black
Flange = Custom (no charge)
Drawtube = 4.5" travel comp ring
Knob/Motor = Dual rate w/ Free shaft lock option

That is not that bad. Thanks for posting the heads up. Can't wait to see what you can do with this puppy. You know how long this will take?
Should have it back in 10 days or so.

Then I have to wait for this crap weather to pass, and figure out something to shoot. :-)

I'll write up a formal review, too.

lol, nice...wait a second, that is a great idea. I just shot an email to Charlie. Maybe we will set up a Astrogab User Review section. That way we can post our reviews of goods and services that may be helpful to other. Very nice, thanks Jeff. If Charlie agrees we should have it up long before you have your scope back and maybe you could be our first user reviewer!

It's Feb 12th....scope back yet?
Not yet, I talked to Ron@MoonLite - he said they're patterning a flange and machining it. Evidently they do up to 400 focusers/month at his shop. I had no idea. He liked the scope and said he might buy one for himself, so that's a good sign. I hope to have it back this coming week for next new moon.

On its way priority overnight, arriving 10:30 am tomorrow and what do you know - tomorrow night's forecast here is perfect for imaging, is that rare or what?

There was a delay anodizing the custom flange, so the added shipping cost they're taking care of. Gotta love that.

If I get anything good tomorrow night (got two targets in mind) I'll post, and some CCD Inspector stuff as well. I'll take pictures of the scope, etc and create a formal review.




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