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My next night out with the webcam I paid very close attention to my focus and double checked my alignment, it was suggested that I check collimation which I also did. The conditions were good but not great, Saturn rises up right in the middle of the light pollution coming from Phoenix from my POV. I even switched out Barlow's to double check it was not the Barlow. I just can't seem to get the image nice and clear like others I have seen taken with the same camera and set up as mine.

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hey philip im glad u joined man i think u had said u were shooting 10 fps i havent used the web cam but i have used the neximage and it i pretty much a web cam try 5fps next time u go out it made a big differance in my images night and day really also if u are useing registax make sure that u are picking a good frame for registax to refer to when it is optimizing to do this gp to the bottom where it says goto frame and go through them and pick the best one u can find i usually look for some black lines from the cassine division and the one with the most black i the one i want and as far as collimation goes yes it is prob the most important thing for fine details it takes a lil time to hit the sweet sdpot but wen u do u will no it anyway give it a whirl and let us o how it goes
mayb try turning the gain down a lil it is a lil bright i think if it looks a lil dark on screen dont b scared u can always stretch the history to brighten it back up mayb ur over exposeing a lil i said mayb give it a whirl let me what u get



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