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Jeffrey P Nunnari's Comments

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At 10:03pm on July 17, 2013, Ed Hahnenberg said…

Jeffrey...Yup you are correct....NGC 6894 is my photo. Will edit. Ed

At 9:21pm on July 17, 2013, Ed Hahnenberg said…
Jeffrey....quite an impressive web site you have set up! I did want to know your preferred setup. I didn't catch it when we talked.
At 12:15am on September 3, 2012, carlo colombo italiano milanese said…

complimenti hai una strumentazione abbastanza limitata, ma tu hai le idee molto chiare ciao c.colombo

At 1:45pm on December 23, 2011, John Auvil said…

Thanks for the warm welcome old buddy. There are some amazing photos posted here. I'm sure I'll learn alot.
Merry Christmas to you too.

At 8:54pm on January 17, 2011, Trevor Woodrow said…
LOL, snow. I am so not jealous my friend!
At 5:19pm on January 13, 2011, samiam said…
I too am felling the wrath of the astronomy gods currently , and coincidently I have my sights set on the very same scope . Looking forward to your hands on review .
At 11:21am on January 13, 2011, samiam said…
Which 8" f/4 do you use ?
At 8:51pm on January 10, 2011, Trevor Woodrow said…
I hit the Link above...Monty Python guy singing...pretty funny...and at the same time educational and thought provoking. Kinda hurt my brain.
At 6:09pm on January 1, 2011, Trevor Woodrow said…
Welcome Jeff!!!
At 4:06pm on January 1, 2011, Marc Basti said…
Hello JP, cool to see you here. Marc
At 3:44pm on January 1, 2011, Charles Dunlop said…
Hey Jeffrey, welcome to Astrogab. What CCD or DSLR are you using for your shots? What is your setup?


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