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Trevor Woodrow's Comments

Comment Wall (121 comments)

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At 9:47pm on January 26, 2012, Pravin Jat said…

Thak You !, I got it.


At 11:07am on January 13, 2012, Mark Irvine said…

Thanks, seems like a great group,

Clear skies,


At 3:28pm on December 27, 2011, Greg Spakoski said…

Thanks Trevor.

At 7:35am on December 16, 2011, Charles Dunlop said…
I dont think there is a limit. Who is moderating? Do we even have a moderator? Lol.
At 8:25pm on December 15, 2011, John Auvil said…

Thanks Trevor, I seem to be having trouble downloading jpegs that are under 100KB as the moderator of Astro Gab requested. I compressed all my photos in Photo Shop E9 to minimum compression but most are much bigger than 100 KB. Any ideas how to make the files smaller so I can post more pics?
Best regards, John Auvil

At 1:54pm on November 3, 2011, Conor said…
You've convinced me to shoot the rest of the mosaic instead of waiting for the Rosette to rise!
At 11:39pm on November 2, 2011, Mark E said…
Thanks Trevor
At 5:24am on October 23, 2011, Scott Gauer said…
At 1:47pm on October 9, 2011, Armando A. Busto said…
Thank you Trevor, I am in the process of installing a new SkyShed POD in Malinalco, State of Mexico, Mexico you can see the observatory in Google Earth 18° 56' 4.86" N 99°30' 14.153"W. Congratulations on your site. I hope I can learn to participate.
Regards Armando A. Busto Casa Bonita Observatory
At 7:46pm on October 2, 2011, Pravin Jat said…
Thank you Trevor, I would like to know which Telescope and Camera is sufficient for Astrophotography
At 4:12am on September 29, 2011, Stephen Novosel said…
Thanks Trevor. I am looking forward to participating.
At 11:42am on September 12, 2011, Dimitris Platis said…
Thanks a lot Trevor!
At 3:05pm on September 7, 2011, sean arbucklelx90 said…
thank you trevor,just learning about astrophotograpy,thought i might learn a lot on this site.
At 8:41am on August 3, 2011, Gary Gonnella said…
Trevor, just went through your photos and you have some beautiful images.
At 8:57pm on August 1, 2011, Doug R said…
Thanks Trevor...
At 5:06am on July 27, 2011, Raymond Kneip said…
Thanks for viewing my first images on this site! The one of M81 had a total exposure time of 2 hours made with my WO 110 mm; subs of 25 seconds (ISO 1600) as I have no guiding yet. Some work for adding all those subs...
At 10:52pm on July 22, 2011, Ed McKnight said…
Thank you and I have to say you have your hands full in the profile picture... very nice.

At 4:26am on July 22, 2011, Raymond Kneip said…
Hi Trevor; thanks for the welcome!
At 11:26am on July 20, 2011, Andy Smallman said…
Thanks Trevor! I need to find some time to explore the site, but there seems to be a awful lot of good imagers on here... !
At 3:54pm on July 15, 2011, Matthew S. Draxler said…
Thanks for the welcome Trevor!


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