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Detection of a meteoroidal impact on the Moon

full analysis and article of the event recorded on february 11 2011, which very likely is a metoroidal impact on the moon.
The issue and more info is present in the webpage

Detection of a meteoroidal impact on the Moon

By Stefano Sposetti (a), Marco Iten (b) and Raffaello Lena (c)

(a) Gnosca Observatory (Switzerland)

(b) Garden Observatory (Switzerland)

(c) Geologic Lunar Research (GLR) group


In this article we report data about a lunar flash detected on February 11, 2011 which very likely resulted from an impact. It was simultaneously detected by two independent observatories. The brightest impact flash reached a peak brightness of 8.1 ± 0.3 magV and had a long lasting afterglow. The selenographic coordinates of the lunar impact flash are determined to 88° ± 2° W and 16° ± 1° S. In addition we examine the flash characteristics in order to exclude further lunar flash sources, e.g cosmic rays, noise, meteors and artificial satellite glints. The examined impact flash probably corresponds to a sporadic event because no major meteor showers were active or exhibit favourable impact geometry on the impact date. Based on a modelling analysis, the mass of the impactor is estimated assuming a with conversion efficiency from kinetic to optical energy of 2×10 -3 and 2×10 -2. The results show that the meteoroid is likely to range in size from about 6 to 8 cm in diameter and produced a crater of about 4-5 m in diameter.

Raffaello Lena
Selenology Today
GLR group

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