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I'm still enjoying what are still, to me, the glory days of film
astrophotography. Here is an composite of two images taken in the early morning of March 22. I pushed the E200 1.5 stops and used the 165 lens @ f/4.8 to maintain a flat-field. In only 45 minutes the film was getting sky fogged, but then again it was
very low on the horizon. My sky at the time was mag 7 at the zenith and SQM readings around 21.7. I was pushing Bortle class 2, a rating I get on several
occasions at my location when the air is especially clear and dry.

Two frames combined in Photoshop each taken with a Pentax 67 165mm f/2.8 @ f/4.8 45 minutes exposure on Kodak E200 Pushed +1.5 stops

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 77


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Comment by James Cormier on April 20, 2012 at 4:43pm

Thank you very much Steve. The wife would love to have the room in her freezer back!

Comment by Steve Coates on April 20, 2012 at 4:14pm

You do really nice work, I hope you never run out of film.


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