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THIS WAS FIRST LIGHT WITH THE G11/GEMINI II!!!!! I literally put the RCT on the mount, did a very rough balance and a VERY rough polar alignment. We've had storms all afternoon and the forecast on the clear sky charts and AccuWeather looked bad. 8:00 rolled around and I had a patch of clear sky that grew. I was bound to get this thing going so I did not take the time to do any "fine tuning". I only got enough time to test the GoTo (which were spot on) and worked the guiding before clouds rolled in. So this is the first of many graphs from PHD sending those signals to the G11. This mount is a brick, solidly built. The markings on the mount are laser etched. The Gemini II has come a long way and is very functional. There is still some "tweaks" that are being worked on in the firmware and PEC is still to be added. I'll report more as the weather allows.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 83

Albums: Equipment


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Comment by Marc Basti on September 24, 2011 at 4:24pm
Steve, that must have been killing you, looking at the mount, then looking at the clouds (Hop's been keeping me updated on FL skies-crap) That's a pretty nice maiden run, good for you man. Marc
Comment by Steve Coates on September 24, 2011 at 1:19pm
I used the Orion 50mm guide scope with SSAG.
Comment by Steve Coates on September 24, 2011 at 9:29am
I so wish they continued with the CGE...
This screen shot graph still has a way to go. If you look closely the stars are out of focus and dew covered the objective. This was a "down and dirty" guiding session. My main goal was to just get it running with the Gemini II as I had read that some people are having trouble guiding with the Gemini II system. My goal tonight (weather permitting) is to properly balance the scope on the mount, do a PHD assisted drift align and hopefully try some imaging.


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