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This is a single image of Comet Garradd taken on Sept. 20th through a Meade 16" LX200 SCT, F/6.3 Focal Reducer and Canon 30D DSLR.

The JPEG image was a single (3) minute exposure @ ISO 3200 with In-Camera Noise Reduction ON.


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Comment by Nick Dudish on October 5, 2011 at 10:07pm
Hello Don,
Welcome to ASTROGAB! You are going to enjoy Astrophotography with this group. I do.
Comment by Don Yacco on September 30, 2011 at 4:45pm
Hi Mark, I never tried a battery grip. It was even suggested to me to use an external AC adapter. It all sounds good but for now I just you the In-camera noise reduction. I tried dark frames but they never seem to match up and a get some dark spots throughout the image. It is usually cloudy here in NY and there aren't very many opportunites for me to try different things.

Comment by Don Yacco on September 30, 2011 at 3:43pm
Hi Mark, I have been using the JPEG format lately as opposed to the RAW format because in the hotter months the RAW images are loaded with noise and amp glow. I need to keep the in-camera noise reduction on to remove the hot pixels and amp glow. I was considering the newer Canon T3i as it has no amp glow and is low noise. I'm holding off on that purchase for now and just trying to get the most out of my Canon 30D. I understand what you mean about loosing some data in the JPEG images as opposed to the high resolution RAW format. In the cooler months I may switch over to RAW.

Thanks for the compliment,


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