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Ok so first ever pic! Orion 80ED with Sirius Goto, Canon T3, no real processing, except for what the camera did. baby steps...

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Comment by Eric Hughes on November 3, 2012 at 12:41pm

Hey cool! I'll try that tonight….maybe… just checked the weather and there are clouds in the forecast.

Comment by Steve Coates on November 3, 2012 at 12:17pm

Not a problem. The M31 subs will look like hazy blobs. If you'd like stack them in DeepSkyStacker and post the stacked imaged in the Reprocess My Image forum and see what some of the pros can do with it.

Comment by Eric Hughes on November 3, 2012 at 9:56am

Thanks, Steve! I ran a few at 30 sec, and got a pretty washed out field. And I did do a shot of M31, but it was just a hazy ball, lol. I'm certainly learning a ton between yesterday and today! And thanks for the links, they'll be a great help! I still wanna feel more comfortable with what the camera is actually doing to get its image. Gonna go out tonight and pick a bright star or maybe Jupiter here to play with different settings and see what happens. I'm a pretty tactile learner, I gotta get my hands on it to really see what's going on.

But thanks for all of y'alls' help, and keep the suggestions coming! :) (I'm sure my neighbors are wondering what I'm clinking and clanking and cursing in the backyard! haha)

Comment by Steve Coates on November 3, 2012 at 8:20am

Eric, you are on your way. Empty the bank accounts and run up a credit card bill! Next time out try to increase your subs to 30 sec. and again, take a bunch of them. If you really want to get hooked do this with m31. Read through this and this to help you in understanding how to pull to light out of your subs. Keep at it and see improvement in no time.

Comment by Eric Hughes on November 3, 2012 at 7:49am

Russ, ISO 3200, 5 sec exposure. Yes, Marc, It's in RAW, and I worked with it in the camera's software, but I have still to learn all the terms and definitions for what does what. I was messin' with it a bit, but it started looking really "processed". My learning curve is pretty much a vertical wall, haha. But yes, further than yesterday! And the stars aren't going anywhere, at least not before I do. ;D

Comment by Marc Basti on November 2, 2012 at 8:32pm

Eric that's more than you had yesterday, you are on your way-cool. If you shot that in "raw format" (cr2 file) then you can put it in either zoombrowser or digital photo professional (software that came w/the camera-if it still does) and look for raw development that'll give the pic a stretch and pull out some details. You can also put the raw (or the jpeg) in Neb3 and under the "image" drop down menu use DDP-see what you get. You're hooked now lol, Marc

Comment by Russ Ruggles on November 2, 2012 at 8:06pm

There ya go.
How long of exposure and at what ISO?
Interesting... Hey, Bob... Horz banding just like your T3. Must be in the chip series.


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