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Comment by Trevor Woodrow on January 20, 2011 at 11:03pm
Lol, did you see my equip shot? I live in the suburbs of Honolulu, the houses are almost literally on top of each other. Very little yard. Three feet to the right of the frame is the back fence, and three feet to the left is the back wall of my house. Just sad. I can only shoot a small portion of the sky. But, there are some parts of the island that get so dark, it is nearly impossible to pick out the constellations because of the number of stars that are visible. Charlie was here two winters ago on the North Shore and it took us the better part of an hour to determine which star was polaris so we could polar align!
Comment by Jeff McFarlin on January 20, 2011 at 10:10pm
Well, it's darker than my townhouse driveway. :-) My shot of the Bubble was actually shot in a pure black zone 4500' up in the West Virginia mountains. It was my first LRGB image. Only like 45 mins total exposure time to get what amounted to an amazing amount of data. But that's almost 3 hours away for me. My normal site is fairly dark and only 20 mins.
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on January 20, 2011 at 9:12pm
So you image from a dark location? Ah. I usually just set up and shoot in the yard. Every once in a while I get brave enough to travel with my equipment. Still cannot gte over the sharpness of your images. Please feel free to play in the "reprocess my image" group. Would love to see what you can do with what is posted there,and I would also like to see your raw data as well. Easier to know where ya stand if on equal footing.
Comment by Jeff McFarlin on January 20, 2011 at 8:45pm
I haven't entered any contests since the M27 one. I still feel I'm getting up to speed on all this stuff, but I appreciate the comments. I expect I'd do a *whole* lot better if I had the mount permanently mounted, but for the next two years I have no option but to lug my gear about 20 miles each time I want to image. I've really only seriously been doing this about 9 months. It's fun, very challenging.
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on January 20, 2011 at 3:28pm
Did you enter this into the Cloudy Nights intermediate contest?


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