Thanks Spike77, Trevor, Rich and Starhopper for the nice comments and sorry for the late response.
This is the kind of classic picture for this area and of course a tempting target for astro photographers. In addition the fact it can be taken with short focal lengths gives a break for a while about seeing and guiding issues.
Rich I have used a Carl Zeiss Jena 35 mm f3.5 native. This lens has M42 thread and it has no evident CA when stopped at 5.6 which is a relative fast ratio,
I used a QSI 583 WS with astronomik filters. Exposures were LHaRGB (60,20,20,20,20) with 5 minutes subs,
Thanks again all for looking and for the nice comments
Excellent wide field Serg!!
It's fantastic to see the parade of treasures from the Cross all the way to Eta Carina neb..
What lens did you use on this?
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