Thor's Helmet Canis Major Wolf Ryant star bubble
AT102ED f/7, SBIG ST8300M with CFW5, iOptronIEQ45, SBIG SG-4 80mm f/5 guider. RGB 30x1minute each filter Mar 2011, Tijeras,NM
yes nice man i had a stab at this one a while back u could spend many hours on this one nice job man
Comment by John Laning on March 16, 2011 at 8:51am
I have not tried PEC yet, lazy but my Losmandy G-11 did not store PEC when it was powered off. So I have not tried PEC on my iOptronIEQ45 yet. I bought the mount instead of the Orion Atlas and Celestron CGEM becuse it holds 45 lb payload and is lighter than the other two only 25lbs not counting the weights. I should set up PEC ASAP since the weather is warming up and I should try to image the Orion Nebula in HA during the Full Moon time.John Laning
Comment by Steve Coates on March 16, 2011 at 5:12am
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