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My first attempt at a mapped colour narrowband shot. I'll really need to add a ton more hours to this one - SII and OIII were super weak (and grainy!) so I had to scale down the Ha histogram transform stretch quite a bit to prevent the channel from dominating. A little disappointing. I look forward to revisiting this object, though; It's one of my favourites.

WO 110FLT + TMB Flattener.
QSI 583ws with 3nm NB filters.

6 x 600s Ha -> Green Channel.
6 x 600s OIII -> Blue Channel.
6 x 600s SII -> Red Channel.
6 x 600s Darks.

Processed in almighty PixInsight.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 80


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Comment by Conor on September 10, 2011 at 7:33am
Thanks for all the kind comments, guys. I really appreciate it.

I've repro'd it a few times, including trying Dave's suggestion of switching the channels which does show a marked improvement (Thank you, human optical system) and allows pushing the Ha channel a little further. I'll show some new versions when I add more time - which will probably be a few weeks if the forecast is anything to go by... I'll be sticking with this object for a while, I think. Cepheus is circumpolar and at this time of year, this object is close to zenithal at the best shooting hours so there's plenty of time to get more hours. I'll probably be doing emission nebulae for a while yet, mostly Sharpless objects, and steering clear of reflection nebulae including M42. I am in dire need of levelling up my narrowband skills.
Comment by Dave Lane on September 5, 2011 at 7:13am
Personally I'd try Switching Ha for red and SII for green. I think it would be a cool color combo that way. I know its not traditional but I like different :)
Comment by Marc Basti on September 4, 2011 at 11:21am
Maith th'u lad. First go, nothing to be disappointed about, came out nice. Marc


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