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I've wanted to capture M78 for a long time. Last year I tried, but didn't get enough time on it. So I braved sub-freezing temperatures and crazy humidity the last few nights to get this LRGB image. It didn't get high enough until 2AM, so it's still not as much time as I'd like. Usually when time is short I skip "L" and just do RGB, but I had to capture some data while it was really low, which meant those frames weren't very sharp. So I captured L last - when it was at its highest (before sunrise) and used that to provide the sharpness.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 48


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Comment by Greg Marshall on November 2, 2013 at 7:48am

Thanks, Dave.

Comment by Dave Lane on November 2, 2013 at 7:40am
Really nice Me likey!
Comment by Greg Marshall on October 8, 2013 at 11:53am

Thanks, Trevor. It's a little less than 4 hours: RGB = 6 x 8 minutes, L = 16 x 4 minutes. Between 2 and 4:30AM over 2 nights.

Comment by Trevor Woodrow on October 8, 2013 at 11:41am

Well worth the effort...what was the total time?


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