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Both of these Meteors were captured with in 30sec of each other. This one is a composite of the two. Strange how two meteors traveling in opposite directions would almost line up like they do.

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Comment by Philip A Cruden on November 17, 2012 at 7:48am

Hey Conor, thanks man. I went out last night (this morning) but didn't get a single one. I got some great cloud cover LOL! Weather forcast was wrong. I will set up again tonight and see what happens, I am hoping the cloud haze stays away. At the very least I should get some star trails from the time lapse.

Comment by Conor on November 17, 2012 at 6:05am
Excellent capture, Phil. Getting out for the Leonids tonight?
Comment by Philip A Cruden on November 7, 2012 at 7:00am

Hey Marc and Trevor, thanks for the comments. Yep should have gotten a loto ticket LOL! A collision would have been cool but I am sure the odds of that would be pretty astrinomical LOL! I did see a fireball while setting up the camera, it went right over head, pretty amazing, had I set up 5min earlier I would have captured it, oh well one day.

Comment by Trevor Woodrow on November 6, 2012 at 10:20am

What would be even cooler is if the hit each other....wicked cool Phil!

Comment by Marc Basti on November 4, 2012 at 4:43pm

What are the odds of that. Hope you played a lottery ticket lol. Cool shot, Marc


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