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Wupatki National Monument Arizona, located about 40 miles north of Flagstaff. Wupatki is a place of years past where you will find pueblo ruins from the 1100's. This site for shooting is fantastic for dark nights. It is located in the heart of AZ. The tall black area that appears to be rock is really a four story pueblo that is around 900 years old. Captured with a Canon T1i, Exp 25 sec, Aperture 3.5, ISO 3200, processed in SC6. The glow light at screen right is coming from Tuba City on the Navajo Nation.

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Comment by Philip A Cruden on September 23, 2012 at 9:14pm

That would be cool and I hear you with work, the only reason why I was able to get up there was that for a change I was waiting on our client.

Comment by Russ Ruggles on September 23, 2012 at 9:03pm

Well let me know when you're head up again and maybe we can share a plot in the tumbleweed plantation for an evening of imaging. My work schedule is about a bad as it gets but it might work. Ya never know :)

Comment by Philip A Cruden on September 23, 2012 at 8:53pm

Hey Russ, ah man I had no idea you are in Flagstaff (My favorite AZ City) I get up there all the time to get away from the city. I am in as north Glendale as you can get. I get up to the crater at least twice a year. I am hoping to get back up in a couple of weeks when the moon is gone again and before the real cold sets in. This was the first time I was able to shoot with a DSLR up htere because I just got the camera. My Sony, great camera for day but not for night, it is an old F-828 Cyborshot. The T1i worked out great.

Comment by Philip A Cruden on September 23, 2012 at 8:47pm

Hey Trevor, thanks man. It was great two nights out. Yep Pleiades on the bottom right and then north and to the left a little is M31, capella is the big bright one near the horizon. It has been a long time since I have been able to see Andromeda with the naked eye. I used to here at the house but that was before Phoenix exspanded so much.

Comment by Russ Ruggles on September 23, 2012 at 7:11pm

Hey Phil. Nice shots. When were you in my neck of the woods?

Comment by Trevor Woodrow on September 23, 2012 at 6:42pm

These are very nice Phil. Is that the 7 sister to the bottom left and M31 just to the right and a little above center. Very cool.


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