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Current Digital Photograph Taken of Messier 64 M-64 Taken with The Celestron C-11" XLT Coatings EdgeHD in 2012. This is my 1rst Galaxy Shot with my Celestron C-11" XLT Fully Computerized CG-5 GT-Advan

This is my 1rst Astro-Photograph of Messier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy taken with my latest Velvet Deluxe Instrument, The CELESTRON C-11" Schmidt-Cassegrain at F/7 Telescompressor Shot. Today as of December 15th 2012, I am having problems editing my Exposure information. but in Summery, this Shot is Luminance=10 minutes , Red=6 minutes, Green=6 minutes, Blue=6 minutes and Stacked 100x with Meade's AutoSuite Software Drizzled Full Frame. Also some touch ups with Photoshop CS4! Note now: The Velvet Clean Sharp ,NO noise shot of M-64 with XLT-Edge HD equipped Optics and Atlas CGEM and CG-5 GT Advanced Tack Micron Shart Tracking CG-5 GT Advanced Celestron Mounts Fully Computerized, Over 40,000+ Object Database Celestron CGE,GGEM,GCEM-DX and CG-5 GT-Advanced Mounts with Razor Sharp XLT EdgeHD Celestron Optics of XLT-EdgeHD Observatory Class Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrains shows Velvet Tack Sharp the Black Matter Dust Lanes clearly in M-64 s at 1,000,000,000 Milliond of Light Years Away. Sorry but the exact distance of this object will be specified at a later date including my Photograph in the Summer of 2013 of my New Celestron C-11" EdgeHD XLT Coatings with New Celestron CG-5 GT-Advanced Fully Computerized 40,000+ Object Database Mount. This Instrument is Full Observatory Capable Class #1 when in the hands of its Expert owner "Astro-Photographer Jules Vieira of ASTRONOMY Magazine BackIssues December 1982 on "(j) the Lunar Terminator C8" Schmidt-Cassegrain Pentax K-1000 Shot SLR to Celestron C-11" XLT Coatings Velvet Class Celestron SGT Advanced Astrophotographers of South ,Ontario,CANADA!

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