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This 2-frame mosaic is from the "first (and second) light" with my new William Optics Star71. My testing of this scope will not be conclusive until I can try a broadband (luminance) image on a decent mount. Hopefully, that will happen this week. This image was done on a very old and beat-up CG-5 mount that did not guide well at all, so all the stars are "egg shaped" when viewed at 100%, but I've scaled it down enough here that (hopefully) they all look reasonably round.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 45


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Comment by Greg Marshall on June 9, 2015 at 8:52pm

I did talk to William Yang about the problem, although I'm not sure he completely understood my point. The rack & pinion mechanism on this scope looks very nice and is a great improvement on previous WO focusers, but the drawtube bearings still need work, IMHO. I use FeatherTouch focusers on my other scopes and prefer them to Moonlite, but Moonlite certainly does not have the kind of issue I see here.

Comment by Chris Elliott on June 9, 2015 at 7:16pm
That is brilliant!!! And amazingly detailed!!! Great Job!!!

...I have the WO 80mm Zenith star and i love it as I finally got the right combo
Comment by Carlos David on June 9, 2015 at 6:42pm

Nice! I have the WO 66mm Zenithstar and love it for wide field imaging with my dslr. I also noted some slip with the draw tube but I was able to eliminate it with the allen wrench on the adjusting screw. Hope that helps.

Comment by Greg Marshall on June 9, 2015 at 6:22pm

I definitely like the concept and as far as I can tell the optics are great, but until I capture some luminance frames on a good mount I can't really judge the optics. One thing that I find less than great is the tension adjustments on the focuser drawtube. They have to be quite tight to eliminate side-to-side wobble and after this first imaging session I found they had loosened up again. I will be watching that carefully and hope that it's just a "breaking in" phenomenon. Did you experience anything like that?


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