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Stack of five 56 sec frames, stacked with DSS, post processed with Photoshop, Gradient Xterminator and AstroTools. Shot with Mallincam Xtreme on a Meade SN8 with and MFR3 focal reducer.

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Comment by Russ Ruggles on July 14, 2012 at 5:39am

Ah... F/2.6 explains the amount of detail for the short exposure.

New Mexico - even here in Flagstaff, AZ I drool over the dark skies in New Mexico. The otherside of the fence is always greener........ :)

Comment by Allen Force on July 13, 2012 at 8:13pm

The skies for this image were fabulous. Rodeo, New Mexico, about 3 miles from the Arizonza Sky Village. I can't give you numbers but you don't get much better without going to mountain tops. The scope was an SN8 (Schmidt-Newtonian). Diameter 203mm, focal length 812mm, F/4 reduced to f/2.6 with the MFR3.

Comment by Charles Dunlop on July 13, 2012 at 6:26pm

how good are your skies and what's the dimensions of your telescope?

Comment by Allen Force on July 13, 2012 at 2:28pm

The "ghost stars" are an artifact of the Mallincam. They are on every exposure. I did my best to minimize them. It's not normal for the Mallincam but so far I haven't been able to pin down the cause. The camera is presently back at Malincam USA for a checkout.

Comment by Russ Ruggles on July 11, 2012 at 6:17am

Hey Allen. You have a lot of detail for 56 second frames.
DSS looks like it didn't align quite right. You have a few "ghost" stars. Might be just one bad frame that you need to uncheck.


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