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Scope: Vixen ED103S with WO Flat 4 0.8x FR/FF
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G with GoTo
Guiding: Meade DSI Pro and PHD Guiding
Guide Scope: William Optics ZenithStar 66
Camera: Canon EOS 1000D
Special Settings: None
ISO: 800
Exposure: 3.5 hours (21 x 600s)
Processing Software: Acquired in Nebulosity with High Dither, Calibration and Stacking in PixInsight, Levels/Curves/Enhancements in PixInsight & Photoshop
Support Files: 20 flats, 20 bias, 20 darks

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 95


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Comment by Russ Ruggles on October 5, 2015 at 5:44am

Phil - if you want me to hook you up with one of our club members who lives just north of Williams and is setup for short term visitors for lodging and an observatory with a pier for that dark sky adventure let me know.

Comment by Philip A Cruden on October 3, 2015 at 11:09am

It is so great you can get into some dark skies. You would think it would be easy here in AZ too but it really turns into a big deal. In the heart of AZ the skies are really dark. Easy to get to with a camera but tougher with a telescope. I am a bit lucky here at home. For the most part my backyard is pretty dark but that does nothing for the light pollution from the Phoenix valley. We are in the north west part of the valley so I tend to choose my targets in the North, NE and NW. One of these days I would like to get into dark skies and park it for 5 days. As you have pointed out I am sure it would make a huge difference. Love your work man, very cool indeed. Phil.

Comment by Neil Heacock on October 2, 2015 at 3:44pm

Thanks again. Please know that much of it has to do with location. I've been so spoiled by dark sky outings that I rarely image or observe from home anymore. Home is where I practice techniques and test equipment so I have little to no issues in the field (which mostly works out). Modest equipment can get amazing shots in a very dark sky.


Comment by Philip A Cruden on October 2, 2015 at 2:56pm

You are welcome Neil. All of your images are fantastic. I am looking forward to the day when I can get a modified camera or a CCD. Great stuff man. All the best, Phil

Comment by Neil Heacock on October 2, 2015 at 2:26pm

Thanks Philip. I appreciate you having a look and leaving a comment.


Comment by Philip A Cruden on October 2, 2015 at 2:15pm

WOW! love this.


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