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Having a second go at this often imaged set of objects. Added the frame just to be annoying. Just happy to be out imaging again!

18 x 600 sec
Explore Scientifc 102 ED Triplet (Imaging)
Stellarvue 70 ED (Guiding)
Orion Star Shoot Autoguider
Orion Sirius Goto Mount

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 113

Albums: Galaxies


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Comment by Trevor Woodrow on March 17, 2011 at 2:30pm
Funny you should ask is one of the reasons that I decided to try it. Admittedly, the stars here look small and tight, as do the ones in my recent M96 (my initial attempt with the filter) but to be fair...the brightest star in either image is the big one here and it is only a the jury is still out. I will tell you that it is throwing my color off, but not too bad I guess.
Comment by Marc Basti on March 17, 2011 at 2:13pm
T, did you notice a big difference using that ir filt. Suppose to reduce star bloat (?) I like the way they came out. Marc
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on March 17, 2011 at 1:34pm
Thanks for taking a look guys. My ccd came with a IR cut filter which I never used before now, and I have started using a Bahtinov mask to help with focusing, that combined with a pretty clear night...and it was a weeknight so no neighbor's flood!

And ya know...I think the dark frame kinda adds to the image!

Hopp, forgot to mention...used layering to get rid of the noise. Took the bright noisy image, cut the galaxies out and them layered them back (luminance) into a version in which I dramatically reduced the brightness. I also jacked up the color...which I think is a bit off...that brought out some subtle detail galaxies. To give you an idea how 'off" the color is...that bright star at 11 o'clock is a F8V star...or white-yellow star...mine is a tad too blue, but what are ya gonna do, lol!
Comment by Marc Basti on March 17, 2011 at 11:17am
Nice shot man. Pulled some really nice color in the galxs. Looks like Maxim is treating you good. Marc Ps like the annoying part, I have never figured out if I like the frame thing or not.
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on March 17, 2011 at 11:02am
Thanks Hopp! Ya know what...just bit of noise that I was trying to get rid of is actually a little galaxy! HITCHHIKER! Just to the right of NGC that small cluster of stars. My tracking was not perfect and my stars have a slight too-bottom elongation...well one of the "stars" there have a pronounced left right elongation...that is because it is not a star but a little galaxy IC 2725. Wish I had realized it before I tried to process it out....oh well.


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