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High Resolution widefield image of Horsehead

used AP155EDF f/7 and PL39000M camera
Red= 15 x 15min
Green = 9 x 15min
Blue = 18 x 15 min
Lum = 18 x 15 min

total time was 15 hours.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 280


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Comment by Charles Dunlop on January 9, 2012 at 4:43pm

Basti I don't think that Crisp was wrong in his analysis, we both bought SBIG and if we had known better we wouldn't have. You better bet my next purchase won't be SBIG. Didn't have a problem with the delivery as it's actually not insulting but actually an idea that's packaged. SBIG and QSI are designed for amatuers, that's hwy they sell and also why they aren't good, I totally agree.

Comment by Charles Dunlop on January 9, 2012 at 4:40pm

I agree with Richard. If I knew what I know now I wouldn't own an SBIG I would have gotten an FLI or starlight. semes like there's a lot of products that have almost cult followings, my skyshedpod sucks for instance, bad purchase, but go on the skyshed yahoo board and say that they will reject you, delete you from the group.

Richard is right, this is the very reason I started astrogab and the very reason I don't want advertisers around, becaue people become aligned to one company or another and almost brainwashed. i've saved money in the long run by spending the small amount of money keeping astrogab online. Learning from Richard, Jeff, etc. Lot of people on here know a lot and the fact they are willing to jump in and explain, is awesome.

Comment by Richard Crisp on January 9, 2012 at 4:27pm

Marc, to make the ppint I wanted to make, the answer is yes....

I could have made a different point. My view is that the customers of SBIG and QSI are intentionally sheltered from reality by the conduct of their Yahoo group moderators with a specific goal of blocking any information that is in any way negative about their products. There is plenty of negative information and all sorts of warts that can be dicussed but it is prevented from occurring. The intent is to keep them ignorant.

Being ignorant is not an insult at all. it simply reveals a lack of eductation. That is solvable; getting educated is the solution. Being stupid is not a solvable state of mind....

Comment by Marc Basti on January 9, 2012 at 4:23pm

Richard, I totally believe what you say about ccd cameras and I think you're a great resource, but do you need to call people ignorant to make your point. Marc

Comment by Richard Crisp on January 9, 2012 at 4:07pm

conor: not certain what the root cause is of the "flower pattern" but I have an experiment in mind to test for filter involvement. I can open my filter wheel and remove the filter wheel carousel and then image with no filter and see what happens...

It is a bit painful and invasive to do but the results will be interesting to see...
I'll have to make all new flats for example once completed but it seems worthwhile to me....

Comment by Richard Crisp on January 9, 2012 at 4:04pm

I just call them the way I see them.

I've owned several SBIGs, never again

I've personally held QSIs in my hands, measured them, characerized them and can say I cannot understand why anyone that actually realizes how they perform and that has used others that don't suffer from these warts would spend good money on such poorly designed (concept wise) and poorly performing products.... it makes no sense throwing good money after bad and I am happy to debate this with anyone including the owners of the respective companies. I'd welcome it in fact.

Comment by Marc Basti on January 9, 2012 at 3:39pm

"Amateur products designed by amateurs for amateurs that are too ignorant to recognize they got taken... that's my opinion of both QSI and SBIG..."
Another Crisp Blast! Marc

Comment by Charles Dunlop on January 9, 2012 at 2:41pm

I'm totally going FLI when I upgrade CCD's.

Comment by Charles Dunlop on January 9, 2012 at 2:36pm

That's rad

Comment by Richard Crisp on January 9, 2012 at 2:28pm

I am very unimpressed by everything SBIG. the reasons abound: poor parametric performance. poor definition of functionality, lousy cooling, slow downloads etc.... The only worse benefit/cost product line i can think of is QSI.

Sky flats work best if you do them right but they are really hard to do with 23 second download times like QSI's 583./ The FLI ML8300 downloads in 2.3 seconds and has equally low noise.
RBI is a bitch with the 3200, 16803, 39000, 09000, 6303... you need light flood and deep cooling to manage it... SBIG does neither as does QSI...

Amateur products designed by amateurs for amateurs that are too ignorant to recognize they got taken... that's my opinion of both QSI and SBIG...


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