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Here is one of my latest paintings. I have also created a new website with all my Astronomy passions in one place. The season for imaging has come to an end for me due to the heat here in AZ so imaging will switch over to the imagination and painting. No pixels were harmed in the creation of these paintings

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Comment by Philip A Cruden on June 9, 2012 at 9:33am

Hey Brother, sorry for the delay on getting back on your comment. I am glad you and your wife like this one. I am working on a short vedoe called "A Visions of Deep Space". For now it will just be a slide show using that as my ruff cut type thing. I am planning on taking it all into After Effects software and creating a full motion HD video. This will be one of the images I will be using in the video. Now all I need it the time LOL

Comment by Trevor Woodrow on May 25, 2012 at 11:06pm

Lol, my wife was looking over my shoulder while I was admiring this...she really digs the color.

Comment by Trevor Woodrow on May 25, 2012 at 11:04pm

Wow, I really like this one Phil.


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