SPC900NC webcam
2x Barlow
This is my first attempt with a webcam, fuzzy, I think due to focus but not 100%. 10fps x 2min. any help would be much appreciated
Thanks Mark, Dual Speed focuser is on the way. I had never heard of the Hubble 5-Star it looks like a great little tool, that is in the order too. Thanks very much for the tip. I have been using my SCT8 for over a year now and it has never been collimated so this will be a first for me. I recently bought a used/new in box never opened DSI-Pro but have not used it yet, I am sure it will work much better once the scope is collimated.
I am still working on the settings and the time but I know it could look better, I was thinking about adding a Crawford Focuser to my set up, thoughts? Thanks, Phil
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