Comment by Steve Coates on September 8, 2011 at 4:14pm
Man, I go away for a week and there is a logo? Looks pretty cool. This site is real pro now. Everyone has done a great job starting from it's conception, to all of the contributions and everyones involvement. You all should be proud of what you've done here.
Comment by CT Medley on September 4, 2011 at 8:32am
Good morning,
Thanks for the comments everyone! Mark, the new version of the logo, which is much better as a result of your feedback, is attached here. Please don't hesitate to tear this apart people, pedantry or not, I want everyone to chime in so we can improve the concept.... Again, this is only a concept (It needs to be a vector graphic) and I must recreate this from scratch if we want to run with this long-term. Conor, do you have any ideas (I tried to avoid looking too Star Trek) on a symbol/icon that could substitute as an "A?"
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