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Messier 1, the Elusive Crab Nebula,with Red Hydrogen-Alpha Filamentary Structure easily seen:

Messier 1, the Elusive Crab Nebula,with Red Hydrogen-Alpha Filamentary Structure easily seen:

The Crab Nebula Explosive Super-Nova was 1st observed by Chinese Astronomers in 1050 A.D. and brought to Charles Messier attention, which Mr. Charles Messier used the occassion to add it as his 1st Observed Messier Catalogued object. This Messier M-1 is more difficult to pick up observationally than other Messier Objects. Do not be fooled by its M1 Catalogue, Messier 27 Dumbell Nebula in Velpecula is Magnitudes easier to observe through my SkyWatcfher 10" Dobsonian than M1 the Elusive Crab Nebula took me several attempts before I spotted this Oval tiny puff and then prey my Celestron C8" 1978 intrument for Tracking C.C.D. Meade Pro II L.R.G.B. Camera Imaging!

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