Odd couple:M-35&NGC2158
AT102ED f/7, SBIG ST8300M with CFW5, iOPtronIEQ45, SG-4 with 80mm Orion Short Tube. RGB 15x1minute each filter.
24 Mar 2011, Tijeras,NM
Comment by John Laning on March 26, 2011 at 6:56am
I imaged these clusters becuse they are easist to process, and the stars are alot closer than galaxies. I try to image them after they pass the meridian in my southern sky, less trees to deal with. I also donot have a auto imaging
software package, so I have to stay awake to change the filters. Since my intension span last about 3 hours at a time, thats all the time I can spend imaging at night. I usually set up an hour before dark, so the morning imaging
is only for difficult objects llike Omega Cen, or a comet. It is alot harder to set up in the dark before morning.
The newer guiders like my SG-4 are alot easier to guide with than the old reticle hand controllers of my younger days of film and ST5C. I always ruined a image by bumping my head on the eyepiece notting off during the night.
John Laning
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