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Who uses this and how do they like it? Is this the best software or is maxim dl?

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The entire program looks pretty good. It's a little pricey, but seems like it makes life a lot easier.
I'm going to buy this software and rig it up to new new setup. Going to do it today in fact, start off with a new computer and desk and chair and just start using this. Seems like it's a really user friendly program suite that simplifies life, everyone says good things. I'm on it.
thanks Emil.
emil, I prefer CCDsoft, do you know if there's equivalent from them?
I has SkyX serious not pro. I hear I can get Tpoint add on then I have pro. Was playing with CCDware last night, it's pretty flippin awesome. CCDautopilot and CCDnavigator, pretty good stuff for sure.

Emil, do you have a thermometer hooked up to your setup?
interesting. You really like Maxim over CCDsoft it appears. For some reason CCDsoft seems easier.



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