VdB 149photoVdB 1496 LikesIC1396 Ha(lrgb) 2photoIC1396 Ha(lrgb) 24 LikesNGC253 taken with superb seeingphotoNGC253 taken with superb seeing1 LikeStephans Quintet in RGB at 0.45"/pixel (3366…photoStephans Quintet in RGB at 0.45"/pixel (3366…2 LikesM33 RGB: 18.25 hours from 39MP/AP155photoM33 RGB: 18.25 hours from 39MP/AP1553 LikesFinal_M45_forwebsitesphotoFinal_M45_forwebsites1 Like4.5 Days Off the Gridphoto4.5 Days Off the Grid1 Like