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Can't wait to get my pier and pod from skyshedpod. Not sure what I'm most stoked on, the pod or the pier. they really go hand in hand. Last night I drift aligned and it made a big difference. If I hyper drift aligned on a pier it would be so much better, and with the pod just opening the observatory and you are aligned, set up, and ready to shoot. Seriously I cannot wait for that. So I'm wondering if last night was my last time ever on the tripod as the pod is shipping today and the pier in a few days and it looks like cloudy rainy times ahead. We shall see.

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Comment by Charles Dunlop on December 28, 2010 at 10:01am
Pod is shipped. hehehe. Should be here first week of January. Can't wait. Pier is delayed, not sure what's going on, they said they were going to be somewhat unresponsive through the holidays, that's cool. Just hopping mad to get started here.
Comment by Charles Dunlop on December 28, 2010 at 8:40am
Skyshedpod website doesn't let you buy the pier at the same time as the pod, it's odd. Wayne Parker the owner told me they are fixing that, but yeah it kinda sucked.


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