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I am not using my hobby as much as I would like to mainly because I am getting so I can't take the cold anymore. I have been thinking about trying to run everything from inside. My skypod is under 30…

I am not using my hobby as much as I would like to mainly because I am getting so I can't take the cold anymore. I have been thinking about trying to run everything from inside. My skypod is under 30' from the house.
Just in case anyone out there would consider a little tutorial on how to do this
here is what I have.
Losmandy G11 w/Gemini
Canon 40D>

Orion autoguider Canon Xti

computer camera programmer

Meade LX90 8:
Meade 12"classic
Williams 80mm tracker up top

Half a dozen televue eyepieces

Thanks guys, wish I could see the whole message at once, not sure what I said up a couple of lines, bob

Views: 42


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Comment by Jeff McFarlin on March 10, 2011 at 4:47pm
Hehe, thanks. It's kinda my day job (senior unix engineer)...

Here's some of the many products that can do the job, altho these probably aren't the ones I'd get.
Comment by Charles Dunlop on March 10, 2011 at 2:46pm
I'm going to go ahead and claim it, Jeff knows more about setups and computer stuff than anyone on here.
Comment by Jeff McFarlin on March 10, 2011 at 2:00pm
You can buy power strips that have built-in IP as well. So you can control power remotely, too.

So, you have your computer and all your equipment in the pod, powered off. You login to the power strip via wireless, or wired, and turn the strip on. Then when your remote computer is up, login to that, attach to your mount, etc, and wake it up out of hibernate, and go nuts.

That's how I'll most likely be setting my stuff up, two years down the road.
Comment by Bob Black on March 10, 2011 at 9:53am
thanks charles, but USB cables won't turn on the power or slew to a star will it. Told you I am not very up to date on electronics, bob
Comment by Charles Dunlop on March 10, 2011 at 8:30am
I do this same thing currently. To date I just got some long USB cables and they seem to work even though people told me they were too long. But Jeff turned me onto the idea of wireless networking, putting a CPU in the pod under the pier, running out and flipping one switch so everything sort of turns on, and then logging into the pod CPU from my laptop and running it there. Wireless control, that's the ticket I reckon.


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