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I've had it, so many computer crashes and programs not working correctly, I've got my IT guys at Ambry installing XP pro and wiping the hard drive. Last night for instance I was fixed on a star cluster and CCDautopilot crashed... then I restarted and did the same cluster but just with CCDsoft and SkyX running, and it crashed again. Something is wrong, and I'm tripping out. So I wiped the drive and am starting again with XP, which we know works well with all of these programs.

Views: 19


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Comment by Charles Dunlop on May 6, 2011 at 10:20pm
That's my first programmed run on Autopilot. It's cloudy so the guider didn't work obviously, but yeah, my setup is working apparently.
Comment by Charles Dunlop on May 6, 2011 at 10:19pm
Exposure hours: 0.0 0.0 0.0
Average Altitude: -1 -7 -7
Recommended Combine Ratio: 11.24 1.00 2.19

Dark and bias frames elapsed time: 0.02 hours
Start: 10:14
End: 10:16
1 dark frame(s), 5.0 sec. exposure, Red filter, 1x1
1 bias frame(s), Red filter, 1x1
1 bias frame(s), Green filter, 1x1
1 bias frame(s), Blue filter, 1x1
1 bias frame(s), Luminance filter, 1x1

Dawn flat Frames elapsed time: 0.04 hours
Start: 22:16
End: 22:18
1 flat frame(s), Red filter, 1x1, 0° PAEast
1 flat frame(s), Green filter, 1x1, 0° PAEast
1 flat frame(s), Blue filter, 1x1, 27° PAEast
1 flat frame(s), Luminance filter, 1x1, 0° PAEast

Astronomical dawn: 00:00
Civil dawn: 00:00
Dawn: 05:58

Updated Activity Times
1x1 Download Time: 9.4 sec.
2x2 Download Time: 0.0 sec.
3x3 Download Time: 0.0 sec.
Focus Time: 0.0 sec.
Meridian Flip Time: 0.0 sec.
Plate Solve Time: 0.0 sec.
Adjustment/Frame: 2.0 sec.

22:18:33 Session completed
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on May 3, 2011 at 10:33am
Did see it! I was like...hey, I have that hat! lol
Comment by Charles Dunlop on May 3, 2011 at 10:29am
no. lol. Hey did you see Hawaii five-o last night? Pretty cool.
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on May 3, 2011 at 10:21am
Was this the cpu Kala was playing on?
Comment by Charles Dunlop on May 3, 2011 at 10:10am
I run it on a desktop. It's a new computer, 8 gig ram, etc. Should be able to handle all of these programs as many others are handling it. I'm not doing anything off as it were.
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on May 3, 2011 at 10:08am
You don't think it is becayuse you are asking too much from your laptop do you? Or doyou think it is just a matter of the different programs not liking each other?


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