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RGB info:
Date: 8/4/11
Location: Cedar Key, FL
Camera: Canon 1000Da with thermoelectric cooler (air temp 85F, CCD temp 62F)
Scope: Orion 80ED with 0.85x FR/FF
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G
Guider: Orion SSAG through 50mm guide scope
Exposure: 120min (15 subs x 8min), ISO1600

Ha info:
Date: 10/15/11
Location: Jamestown, NC
Camera: Canon 1000Da with thermoelectric cooler (air temp 50F, CCD temp 30F)
Filter: Astronomik 12nm Ha clip-in
Scope: Orion 80ED with 0.85x FR/FF
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G
Guider: Orion SSAG through 50mm guide scope
Exposure: 156min (13 subs x 12min), ISO1600

Processing: Deep Sky Stacker and Photoshop CS5. HaRGB combined using Starizona method. Stars from RGB image added to HaRGB image.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 44

Albums: Nebulae


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Comment by Mike Carroll on November 22, 2011 at 4:46am

Hi Derek, thanks for looking. I also wasn't sure about yellow/brown areas in the image. I can't rule out some camera artifact or processing issue. The camera was not as cool as I would have liked during the image. However, I do similar yellow/brown tones in other images just above NGC6960.

Comment by Derek Baker on November 21, 2011 at 9:29pm

Hi Mike. Really nice image! You managed to go pretty deep and grab an impressive amount of detail for an 80mm refractor. Awesome! :-)

I couldn't help notice that you got the same brownish 'dusty' regions as I did in my recent LRGB ccd image (ie. just above the Witches Broom and to the right of Pickering's Triangle) Have you seen those tones in images captured by other people? Did you have second thoughts about those regions after you processed your image? After finishing the processing of my data, I was feeling rather unsure about what I saw, but your image seems to confirm that these subtle tones may not a result of mistakes I made in processing. :-)




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