This is a shot took with the same set-up of my last photos of Jupiter and Moon: Orion EON 120ED+Powermate 5X. Here 36 shots of 3.2" at 800iso stacking and editing with Registax 6
lol, no worries, shot them and send them to me. I can do easy enough. I tried to do it back in the Jupe, Sat, Nep, Ura and Pluto...but did not finish...I send you what I did....
Comment by Luc Delisle on August 27, 2011 at 10:36pm
Good idea trévor, I have Jupiter, Uranus, Saturne(re-try later with more shots), I am a few planet short: Venus, mars, Neptune if it is possible? but i'm very bad with a computer loll. Not able to do a mosaic!
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