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4.25hours at 60 sec subs.

Imaging with ES102ED
SV70mmED Guiding
SS autoguider
Sirius goto mount.

Cannot take full credit for this, but will if you let me. This is a layered combonation of all the contributors for the Processing Group. Hopp, Marc and Dave all contributed data that I combined with my own to create this image. Hands down this is far better than the original. Hopp, I did nudge her toward the gold, but the more I research the more that is the color I see her. The stars match so I think the color is pretty close. I think the details are incredible. Look at the image full size and NGC 604 all but smacks you in the face. The rest of the Ha regions try to hide within the spirals but several are readily visible. Great job all around guys. The frame? Yeah, I put it on thinking I was gonna title it...but didn't. I left it 'cause it looks nice. Did I mention the 16th magnitude hitchhiker?

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 202


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Comment by Philip A Cruden on January 20, 2011 at 9:56pm
Wow, hats off to everyone, great shot and effort well worth it
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on January 20, 2011 at 9:07am
Thanks Phil. Cool thing is, for this image, the guys in the processing group here helped to cut doen on the processing time. Marc, Dave and the Hopp all worked on the raw data, which was then combined to produce the final image. So like I only spent 1/4 the time I would have, lol. Also, the more time you put on DSO the easier your processing is going to be, and the better the image.

Thanks for taking a look and commenting!
Comment by Philip A Cruden on January 20, 2011 at 7:32am
Very cool and it looks like quite few hours put in both imaging and processing, will worth it the final result is BE-A-UTIFUL
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on January 18, 2011 at 6:14pm
Did I mention the Hitch Hiker?
Comment by Marc Basti on January 18, 2011 at 3:28pm
No way layer 2 is best. Not going to start on that h-hiker again are you. Cool Pic (good sum of the parts), Marc
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on January 18, 2011 at 2:51pm
Thanks Hopp! For the comment and for your work on the image!


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