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Here's another reprocess of an image I captured in Chile duirng March 2010. Equipment & software used is the same as what was used to record data for the shot of Eta Carina, and this image was also acquired via 6x10minexposures through a 5nm Astrodon Gen2 H-alpha filter.

Your constructive critique of my processing would be most helpful. :-)

It's amazing how much nebulosity there is in this part of the the point that it is harder to see the chicken shape! :-)

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Comment by Derek Baker on June 3, 2011 at 8:29pm
Thanks for the suggestion re: Hide Function. I'm not sure if I have the dexterity on a computer to do a good job with the paint tool, but we'll see. I'm still learning a lot about's like an endless road filled with so many functions....and I can't remember or absorb it all ! :-) Your advice and encouragement is greatly appreciated Rich. :-)
Comment by Rich Bowden on June 3, 2011 at 7:53pm
Yes that's the way Derek!
I like the hide function in layers, then you can use the paint tool to paint in the areas you want and have control through the opacity slider. If you don't like the result, remove the layer and start again with another.
Look forward to the repro. !

All the best
Comment by Derek Baker on June 3, 2011 at 7:34pm
Hey Rich. Thanks so much for the helpful feedback. I hear what you are saying. I find that it's as tough to avoid overprocessing or underprocessing. I did do some layering, with one layer having a very highly sharpened image & a lot of contrast, and one a moderate amount of sharpening and a lighter touch with the Curves function. I will go back and drop the relative input from the highly sharpened/high contrast version, and then I will repost to see what you think. :-)

Thanks again for your knowledgeable feedback Rich! :-)
Comment by Rich Bowden on June 3, 2011 at 7:08pm
Hi Derek, ah yes the running chicken where we all struggle to see the 'chicken running' LoL!
I like the dramatic contrast you've achieved here, just one thing imo is the nebulous/ HII area is washed out/ harsh through over stretching. Find a good curve balance between the contrast while retaining a more soft/ more gradual range through the HII region. Getting the best of both worlds can be obtained through layering in PS.

Still an enjoyable image.



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