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I took some lum. frames w/my ccd while I was waiting for the main target to clear the trees and I decided to try and combine these w/some previous exposures I had (this was a first for me). It went: 6/3/11 lum13exps@420s.w/st8300+AT80edt -combined with- 4/20/10 68exps.@210s.w/Can1000d(unmod)+Orion120st(achro). In addition the pic orientations were off about 90deg. It was interesting and kept me busy for awhile. Marc

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Comment by spike77 on June 30, 2011 at 11:07am
yeah man thats a lot of work bet it was fun tho nice image
Comment by Marc Basti on June 25, 2011 at 2:20pm
Thanks guys. This really was more of an exercise in seeing if I could combine the two different stacks. Just the ccd lum data alone was not enough which I knew going in using just the 80mm. Plus I spent most of the time playing w/phd trying to get my guiding straightened out. I finally got fed up and figured out it wasn't operator error and sent it in to get a tune-up. I'll let you guys know how it turned out. Mark I've been using CCDstack to do all the color combine stuff and there is several different align methods in there (one called FFT does scaling. T, I think if we do a milky way collab you take it from Sag. to Albireo and I'll go from there to Ceph, then will cover the whole thing lol. Marc PS next year long dose of time w/C8 on this one
Comment by Philip A Cruden on June 25, 2011 at 9:36am
Really nice image Marc.
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on June 24, 2011 at 6:53pm
Well done always seem to pull something in that I have never heard of before and I always wind up running to my charts to see where it is only to realize that if it is in "your window" that is it not likely in "my window"....:( Hate you...but in a good way. NIce image.

Mark...I do that all the time. Combine data from different set ups. I either use Microsoft Dig ofc suite and panoramic stitch or maxim regular most recent M8 and my old m29 were done that way. Usually I am just combining the 102 to the 70...but have added in the 127 (f12) mak data too. Works well.


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