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I went up to the clubs observatory (Now the ONLY place I will image:) on Saturday night. It was a great night as there were a few other diehards out there with me all night. Other than the cold toes I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Im happy with this, although I did have to clone out some strange blue orbs (3 in total) Possibly a dew issue?? I will re-inspect the problem after adding mush more time to this glorious autumn star cluster.

38 x 210" ISO 1600 Totaling 2 Hours 13 Minutes

Stacked with 16 darks, 16 flats, 16 bias

ES ED80 Triplet Apo
Orion Mini Guidescope
Meade DSI II
Canon 450d unmodded
Stacked in DSS
Processed in PS CS5

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

Views: 119


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Comment by Philip A Cruden on September 25, 2012 at 7:51am

Hey Trevor, Thanks......I am depating with my self about getting it moded only because I would like to get a CCD and a Hyperstar but that may be a long way away before that happens so the debate in my head continues. Wellandport, I was there many years ago. I grew up in Brampton and when my wife and I started dateing our favorite thing to do was go on day long Sunday drives, have car will travel type of thing. We would go everywhere in Ont. We were 16-17 back then so quite a few years ago. I love the escarpment, lots of great places to visit.

Comment by Trevor Jones on September 25, 2012 at 7:05am

Thanks guys. Philip - The club is in Wellandport, Ontario, about 40 minutes from St. Catharines. As for the modding, I would say mod it if you can! I can get away with the reflection nebula's, but the emission nebs aren't so great. I've heard from other members that an un-modded cam produces bluey-purple nebulas, which looks cool, but I know there's more (red) detail in there.

Comment by Dennis Bucklin on September 23, 2012 at 10:18am

Very nicely done!

Comment by Philip A Cruden on September 22, 2012 at 5:25pm

Wow man, that is a beauty of a shot Trevor. Where was the club at (sorry just trying to stay in touch with my home country). I see that you have noted that your camera is unmodded, I now have a new T1i but I have yet to image with the telescope because it is still way to hot here in AZ. My T1i is also not modded so I was wondering if you have any suggestions for me. The image you have posted here looks awesome, nice job man.

Comment by Kirat Gurung on September 21, 2012 at 3:31am


Comment by Trevor Jones on September 20, 2012 at 6:44am

Haha Trev, thank you for the comments everyone. I can't wait to see new images from you guys this fall.

Comment by Trevor Woodrow on September 19, 2012 at 10:25pm
I'd risk a toe for an image like that. Well done.
Comment by Robert C. Mills on September 19, 2012 at 11:54am

Nice capture!

Comment by Marc Basti on September 19, 2012 at 3:34am

Trevor, you captured the nebulosity nicely. A good complete pic, sweet, Marc

Comment by Trevor Jones on September 17, 2012 at 1:05pm

Thanks for the kind words guys!


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