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m81 and m82 Bode's galaxy and Cigar galaxy widefield

I've been going through and reprocessing some past images. There is always a new technique to learn!
m81/m82 Bode's galaxy and Cigar galaxy with accompanying NGC 2976 (upper right) and NGC 3077 (bottom right)
Ocala, FL
Imaged January 26 and 28, 2011
180 sec. exposure stacked in DSS for a total of 6 hours 20 min
Orion 80mm EON
Orion 80mm guide scope with SSAG
Canon T1i
CG-5 mount (HyperTuned)
Atronomik CLS light pollution filter clip for Canon EOS

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 88

Albums: Galaxies


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Comment by Rich Bowden on May 4, 2011 at 4:17am
That's just about perfect Steve!!
Back ground has that.. mmmm look and the galaxies are just that more colourful.
This is a great technique and with imagination can be used for a wide variety of enhancements while each time retain a previous procedure.
Of course more data would only help more.. but when weather plays it's hand, it's nice to have a few tricks up our sleeves:)

Well done!!
Comment by Steve Coates on May 4, 2011 at 4:02am
Thanks for all of the comments. I'll plan to try your method Rich and thanks. After I posted this I thought it looked to light so I posted a darker background here. I am open to any new or old processing techniques!! This website has helped me more than any "company with a capital C" web site.
Steve . .
Comment by Rich Bowden on May 4, 2011 at 12:20am
This turned out very well Steve!
Lovely even back ground.
One thing I will say, hope you don't mind and it is only imo....
In PS, in 'layers', create layer from this existing image data, crank up the saturation on this layer to taste, select 'hide all' on the layer image, now use the brush tool to hit the galaxys and the stars without touching the background... then use the slider on the layer to control the amount of sat you want... also probably darken the back ground a smidgen.. this helps retain star colour/ object colour while keeping the nice stretch.. best of both worlds!
Other than that, this turned out really nicel!
Comment by Trevor Woodrow on May 3, 2011 at 10:28am
Like Hopp says...there is no such thing as a "final" image!
Comment by Steve Coates on May 3, 2011 at 3:46am
Thanks Mark. Of course as soon as I post this I decide to darken the background. Here is the link to the "new " imahe.


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