Comment by Steve Coates on October 15, 2011 at 4:44am
Thanks a bunch Marc for the intel. I went with the 12nm CLS clip so I could use it with the Nikon 180ED lens. I'm planning on building a peltier cooler box as soon as the parts arrive so I (hopefully) can image longer subs without the noise. I'm sure I'll be picking your brain as time comes.
Comment by Marc Basti on October 14, 2011 at 5:45pm
Steve, you're going like it. All capture and pre-processing will be the same-except things like focus/framing/exposure times will be longer. For instance w/my ccd cam I use a bahtinov mask for focus and usually do 1-2 sec exposures w/out Ha filt to see the star- w/filt it's more like 5-10 sec exposures. They just don't let much light pass through. So you'll have to adjust those different times accordingly. W/my dslr I use to do 9min. exposures (I had a 12nm Ha filt) I could of/probably should of gone longer, but I was too lazy to make a new set of dark frames lol. (you'll have to adjust up your flat frame exps too.) When you go to process-I don't know if you've seen info on channel deletion-D Klooz asked me about it one time so I posted a couple pics on site here for him.
What did you go with 7,12, clip? Hope that helps, anything else, feel free. Marc
Comment by Steve Coates on October 14, 2011 at 3:13pm
I just ordered mine yesterday. Do you shoot flats with it?
Comment by Marc Basti on October 13, 2011 at 5:39pm
Steve, thanks for the shout. Ha filters pay for themselves just in the added scope time each month (one of the best things I've purchased). Marc
Comment by Steve Coates on October 13, 2011 at 1:44pm
Nice shot Mr Basti! Looks great against the flat grey background. No matter if you add color to this, this is a great looking image.
Comment by Marc Basti on October 13, 2011 at 10:32am
Thanks. I was psyched, I barely did any processing to this and it came out pretty good (maybe that's telling me something lol). I may do the rgb, but I keep saying I'm going to switch over to my C8 for awhile and try some obscure stuff. Marc
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