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I'm looking for honest & constructive feedback :-)

I haven't done that many LRGB images before, so I am not 100% confident with my processing skills, accurate colour balance, etc etc. For starters, I am getting a brownish colour just above the "Witches Broom" and also to the right of Pickering's Triangle. Have I captured dust in those regions, or have I just a done poor job managing the background colour balance etc? ;-)


Luminance Exposures: 6x10min,
RGB Exposures: for each colour, 6x5min Binned 2x2
Telescope: Takahashi FSQED Camera:
STL11000M with Astrodon Trubalance filters
Location: New Mexico Skies, near Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA
Conditions: Very dark skies, good transparency, and very good seeing.
Processing: Captured, stacked, combined, DDP, and some curves using MaximDL5Pro, aligned using Registar, LRGB processing via Photoshop CS3 and Noel Carboni's Astrotools, gradient removal using Gradient Xterminator, and Noise removal using Noise Ninja plug-in for PS CS3.

I am looking forward to your input! :-)

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

Views: 73


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Comment by Derek Baker on November 22, 2011 at 4:11pm

Thanks Trevor and Starhopper. All great info and feedback!! :-)

FYI, I do have narrowband data too, but I like seeing what the LRGB looks like on its own. Also, I am still learning how to integrate NB data into LRGB data, and after reading Debra Ceravolo's excellent article in the Dec. S&T, I have all sorts of new things to 'process' in my mind too! :-)

How do I send an image to "Reprocess My Image"? What format should the data have?

Thanks everyone!

Comment by Trevor Woodrow on November 21, 2011 at 11:20pm

Hey where did my comment go?

Anyways, Derek, Hopp already gave you constructive feedback, and he's a good one to get it from, all I have left is the honest type...this s sweet image. But please take his advice and throw it in Reprocess My Image....I would love to take a crack at it!

Comment by Marc Basti on November 21, 2011 at 11:16pm

Nice look, you don't see the upper veil region too often. If you're adding more time, a set of Ha subs always works great in this area. Really like the color (particularly the stars). Good work, Marc

Comment by Derek Baker on November 21, 2011 at 7:56pm

Hey Starhopper. Thanks very much for the pointers! I am definitely no expert with processing and only know some of the functions in Photoshop, so I appreciate you sharing your wisdom! :-)

BTW, I must apologize, as that 100minutes was a typo....I can't believe I missed that error! (I'm saying this with an embarrassed grin) The luminance was 6x10minutes for a total of 1 hour of luminance. Sorry! :-( Having said that, I will confirm that the skies at New Mexico Skies are some of the darkest in North America.

I'm doing Google searches for other shots of this field to see if I can find other long exposure RGB or LRGB images that may show up something to confirm what I have. Most images I've found have osome narrow-band data in there, so the background is often processed to be black. I also plan to take more exposures to see if those brownish areas disappear or become more obvious. Stay tuned! :-)


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